Sunday, June 19, 2011

What does it take to give a child a good book?

Today, I was going to write a post about how my summer vacation has started. I was going to write about the lovelies of summer, no school, no homework, NO FINALS TO STUDY FOR.
I was planning to write something AWESOME.
But then I saw the preview for Breaking Dawn.

Really, Hollywood? Really?

Does sending out messages to young girls that having an abusive partner that borderline rapes them seem reasonable? Young kids that are reading and/or watching Breaking Dawn are going to think that everything that happens in the story is acceptable material.
Now, I'm not saying that everyone reacted the way I did to Breaking Dawn, but when I read it, I clearly remember having my jaw drop in shock after reading the chapter of Bella and Edward's "wedding night".
I would assume that I'm not the only one?
Whenever I see someone reading a book from the Twilight Saga, I cringe. And not just because it's Twilight, but because out of all the great books in the world, that person chose to read Twilight.
A lot of people use the excuse of "At least they're reading! Chill out, it's just a book!"
No. In my opinion, the book that they are reading is nothing more than a very lonely woman's sexual fantasy. Young girls' minds are being warped by Bella's stupidity, and those girls can quite possibly grow up to follow her example, which I am not okay with.

I spend much of my free time either in my local Free Library or in the Barnes & Noble near my house. I have seen kids as young as 7 years old and lonely women in their sixties fawning over these fictional characters (namely, Edward or Jacob) as if they were real people. Talking about them as if they were right there, listening to them speak. You'd think that the adults reading this would set a good example for the little ones by restricting the book until they're a bit older (and could most likely have enough sense not to read it).

Continuing on that statement, what scares me the most about Twilight is definitely the fanbase. Don't get me wrong; I'm a fan of a HUGE amount of fiction. (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, etc.) I can get pretty crazy with the amount of love I have for those stories. But will I go so far as to try and murder those who don't have similar tastes as mine?
Now, I'm not sure if this is simply an internet rumour, or if these several cases are true, but I have read on several occasions that there have been attempted murders as a result of mentally unstable Twilight fans attacking non-Twilight fans. [link]
The worst of it all is that Stephenie Meyer has refused to speak about any of this.
Instead, she decides to hide behind the shadow of her brother, Seth, so she doesn't face any criticism. (Oh, poor Shmeyer. Can't handle a little slap on the wrist, can she?)

As a former Twilight fan, I am ashamed to witness the fans act the way that they do. They can love the series as much as they want, but to go to such extremes just to get someone to love a book series is simply ludicrous. (Hey, I'm a Doctor Who fan. You either love it or you hate it. I know plenty of people who don't like the sci-fi show, but I also know a good deal of people who adore it, just as I do).

Is there a way to show fine literature to young kids and teach them to love stories that have changed so many lives before them?

(I can understand if your child wants to explore different books if they adore reading, but there has to be restrictions on what they read at such a young age. If they want to move onto large chapter books, go ahead and let them! Give them awesome books to read! Just be careful as to what your letting them read.
Harry Potter is acceptable for young kids, up until The Goblet of Fire, as it becomes rather dark from that point on).


I detest Twilight.
Have whatever opinion you want on the series, just don't bring it up around me, or I will go on a full blown rant. (Much similar to this one).


  1. You once were blind, but now, you see... welcome to the resistance!

    As for your article, you write well and are quite snarky and sufficently merciless to please even my talent for poisoned pen! I'm proud to say I am now following your blog, please feel free to return the favor!

  2. Why, thank you, dear Sir!
    I have MANY more anti posts coming, and not just for Shite-Light, either!
    I'll most definitely be following your blog, too; Your posts are quite epic, indeed.

  3. Thank you for following my blog, complimenting my work, and you may rest assuredly, I will be following your work with interest!
